

    HMRC are not replacing CHIEF HCI for CDS; customers will therefore need an application to make declarations into CDS.

    MCP, as the market leading UK CSP and building on the reputation of Destin8, have produced a new application called Declar8 to meet this requirement.

    Declar8 is MCP's fully developed and tested application for the submission of import declarations into CDS, which is suitable for inventory linked (phase 2) or non-inventory linked (phase 1) submissions (export declarations to follow)

    Declar8 has been designed and developed by MCP to be as familiar as possible in line with the existing CHIEF declaration submission layout, while using a modern, intuitive and user-friendly design that improves the user experience over CHIEF HCI:

    • Header and Item Details are separated
    • CHIEF box numbers and CDS Data Elements both displayed
    • Declar8 stores your entries - repeat declarations can be copied and modified
    • Accessed using current Destin8 credentials
    • You can use Declar8 for multiple badges without logging out
    • CHIEF reports replaced by status notifications within Declar8
    • E2 has been replaced by an equivalent report where required



    I submit my declarations using Entry Processing Software, will I be able to use Declar8?

    Declar8 is provided as an alternative to third party software. Any declarations submitted through your software will not be viewable in Declar8.

    Any amendments or queries that you would traditionally perform in the CHIEF HCI screens will need to be facilitated using the software you keyed your entry into.

    At which ports can I use Declar8?

    For imports, you can currently use Declar8 to submit declarations at any Destin8 location you are subscribed to. You can also submit phase 1 declarations at any UK non-inventory linked location.

    For exports (once export functionality is available) you will be able to submit declarations for any UK port.